How good is your project plan?
Is your project set to complete on time and within budget? You may believe that you know the answer because you have a schedule that tells you, but are you confident in the schedule itself? Project Pilots can determine the fitness of your schedule for you, through the use of metric analysis of the project’s key elements coupled with our own unique expertise.
Project Plan Assessment
Our confidential assessment compares characteristics of your schedule with widely accepted standards. It also includes bespoke commentary and recommendations from not one, but two, seasoned experts. They’ll explain why each element matters and give guidance on how it can be improved. You will also be able to correspond directly with them after you receive your report.
The P2 Assessment by Project Pilots comes at a fixed price of £500 (plus VAT) and is suitable for any Primavera project up to 1500 activities in size. Following agreement you simply send us an XER file (in confidence) and we’ll carry out the assessment and send you a detailed report within a week.
Email for further information or
call 01707 827925 and ask us about the P2 Assessment.
The P2 Assessment – What you get
Have your project plan reviewed by experts
Report (in pdf format):
· Project plan scoring against internationally recognised criteria
· Expert commentary and recommendations for each element in the project plan
· Expert summary and recommendations of your project plan
Follow Up (by telephone):
· Follow up consultation of up to one hour included
· £500 (+VAT) for a 1500 activity project plan or…
· Contact us for bespoke work